The city as challenge. Perspectives from Germany.

The topic of the discussion involves the question, which instruments for cities and town councils are avail- able to create a readiness to invest in innovative and conventional ways to formulate and accompany the challenging developement of our future cities?

Date: 13.10. 2006, 10.30 am – 12.00 am
Location: roof terrace, German Pavilion, Venice
Host: Federal Ministery of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs
State secretary Achim Großmann; Prof. Christiane Thalgott, Stadtbaurätin München (invited); Almut Ernst, architect and General Commissioner of the German Pavilion; Armand Gruentuch, architect and General Commissioner of the German Pavilion; Bernd Streitberger, departmental head for building Cologne (invited); Dresden N.N., Stefan Bitterli, Kantonsbaumeister, Zürich (invited)
Moderation: Gerwin Zohlen, Berlin

Formen der Verdichtung und Entgrenzung

German Pavillon